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Empower Parents

"Our leaders must remember that education doesn't begin with some isolated bureaucrat in Washington. It doesn't even begin with state or local officials. Education begins in the home, where it is a parental right and responsibility."

- President Ronald Reagan

How to Empower Parents
Equip Parents
President Reagan was right.

Parents are their child's first teacher, but unfortunately that seems to have been forgotten by many in government. As state superintendent Branden Durst will support parents in their unrivaled role because he believes that parents must be the drivers of their children's education. To do so we must equip parents with the resources and information they need to choose the educational environment that is best for their child. As state superintendent Branden Durst will push for a plan to make that a reality.

Trust Parents
Branden Durst trusts parents.

It seems like such a simple thing, but the regrettable reality is that many well-intentioned people in the education establishment think they know what is best for your child. They don't. Educators and coaches can be tremendous sources of inspiration for children, but they will never replace the role of the parent. As state superintendent, Branden Durst will return the authority back to parents to make the best decisions for their children.

Retain and Attract Great Educators
Educators are vital partners with parents to improve student achievement.

Idaho is home to some of the greatest educators in the country and we need to keep it that way. We also need to encourage potential great educators to enter the classroom. As state superintendent, Branden Durst will actively work to remove unnecessary barriers to getting talented Idahoans into the classroom where they can share their talents with our students. He will also ensure that educators are given the resources they need to help students be successful.

Increase Access for Communities
Community Support Centers (CSC)

Some in government like to build Kingdoms, but not Branden Durst. As state superintendent, Branden Durst will take approximately about dozen staff out of the Boise office and reassign them to community support positions. These positions will be located within CSCs throughout Idaho. If there is a problem in your local community you will be a short distance from Department employee who is dedicated to ensuring your issues are resolved expeditiously.

Focus on Growth
Focusing on growth rather than seat time will improve student achievement.

As state superintendent, Branden Durst will focus on realigning educational objectives so that a student's growth is the measurement of success, not just if they showed up. If a student is advanced, more rigorous content that meets their interests will be provided. If a student needs more time, they will get it along with the support to help them succeed.

Create Alternative Pathways
Developing paths for success that reflects the uniqueness of each child.

As state superintendent, Branden Durst will push for alternative pathways to completing high school because every student is different. This will include the creation of new high school diploma equivalents for students who wish to pursue career technical and professional education. It will also include increased opportunities for all students to get the learning opportunities that align with their goals.


(208)505-8893 |

9169 West State Street #3223, Garden City, Idaho 83714

Paid for by Friends of Durst for Idaho

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